Tuesday, March 11

New Babies!!!

One Red male, Two females

CherryBarb Fish We have triplets!!!!
yep, our Cherry Barb laid about 300 eggs and we ended up with 3 babies. That is very good because you suppose to seperate the fish from the eggs and feed the new babies just hatched brine shrimp.

Baby is on the light rock next to the tip of the red rock (click on him to enlarge.)


Linda J. Meikle (Former Linda Cash) said...

THERE it is! Way to go. Nice pictures on Pica too.
Love, Linda

Katy said...

Sandy, I heard from Linda's blog that craig's hurt or sick. I hope he gets better soon! Thanks for the sweet note on my blog re my breakup. you're so zen!


Katy said...

Very cute baby!!
Good job on keeping them alive. :)